Tag Archives: Video

Everything is a Remix

If you haven’t already seen it I would encourage you all to check out Kirby Ferguson‘s excellent video series Everything is a Remix.

I have been helping Kirby source some of the video footage and edit some of the reference material that he has used which has been a great honour.

Parts 1 & 2 are embedded below but do keep an eye on his site for parts 3 & 4 as they come out later this year.



September 11th – Five years on

Everyone is doing news about the World Trade Center at the moment and while some of it has been very interesting to watch I haven’t really felt compelled to write anything about it. Until now anyway! I found a video online that someone shot on September 11th from their home, two blocks away from the twin towers. It’s an interesting look at the going on around the area as it happened and worth a look. September 11, 2001: What We Saw