Recently a friend asked me if I would recommend Virgin Media. I gave him a honest reply as I have been a customer for quite a while but I am quite proud of the final paragraph…
IMHO the Virgin TiVo box blows the pants of Sky+ but most of all…
Sky is run by Rupert Murdoch, someone so corrupt that he allowed staff to hack into the phones of missing school children and then paid them millions to keep quiet about it.
Virgin is run by Richard Branson who Kite surfs to work where he tries to make it cheaper for people to go into space and easier for people to donate money to charity.
On yesterdays trip to the LondonSkate we ended up talking about Kickstarter. On getting home I had a browse and thought I would share the 12 kickstarter projects that I really like and hope to see a lot more of…
There is so much I could say about pretty much every one of these projects. If you haven’t checked out kickstarter yet then go, have a poke around.
Yes, I know this is free publicity for them but hey, if I’m going to publicise any large corporation then I can’t think of anyone better than Virgin (comments in the box below please)! Virgin Money Giving were very helpful to us when organising the Goodwood Roller Marathon.
Anyway, the evening was very nice, free soup, got to say hello to Richard Branson and treated to a 270 degree projection on three sides of a courtyard building. Unfortunately it wasn’t possible to move back far enough to get it all in frame and had to shoot in portrait which isn’t ideal but you get the idea :-p
You can see the professionally shot video (from across the street I may add) here.